
C.O.C 2nd World Youth Week

We are happy to announce the “2nd world youth week of the Coptic Orthodox Church” Deadline for submitting applications of qualifying youth is Dec 22nd! All details and requirements are posted on the diocese’s website. Please, see the link below for clear announcements...

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Dar-Antoine Exhibition

معرض  دار انطون لأواني المذبح يوم الاحد ١٩ مايو٢٠١٩م في مقابل الكافتيريا لمن يريد اخذ بركة احضار شيء لمذابح الكنيسة الجديدة...

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Celebrating Father Cyril’s return

We will be celebrating Father Cyril’s return from the Monastery this Friday, April 12th.Father Cyril will be praying Vespers at the Church of The Resurrection from 7:00-9:00pm. God willing our Church bus will be departing from here to the Church of The Resurrection at...

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New Transportation service on Saturdays

Effective this Saturday, the church bus will be picking up the youth for hymn class and ashya at 7:00pm and return home by 9:30pm after tasbeha. Interested  parents, please contact Ayman Ghaly @ (289) 407-5577 with their kids names and addresses for reservation.

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Steven El-Nazir Ordination into Priesthood

  The Church is grateful to our merciful God for His high providence for the choice our beloved son Stephen El-Nazir to be ordained a Priest in the church of Resurrection in Mississauga by the hand of our beloved HG Bishop Mina on Saturday, March 9th 2019...

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Placing the Foundation stone for our new church celebration

بنعمة ربنا سيوضع حجر الأساس لكنيستنا الجديدة بيد نيافة الحبر الجليل اسقفنا الأنبا/ مينا وذلك يوم السبت١٦ مارس ، بحضور الآباء الكهنة وعمدة سانت كاثرين يبدأ الاحتفال بالقداس الإلهي برئاسة الانبا / مينا ٨:٣٠ ص- ١١:٣٠ص ثم وضع حجر الأساس يتبعه أغابي لكل الشعب...

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