2019 New Year’s Eve Celebration
***MCs for the evening - Mina Mikhail and Medhat...
read moreNew Church construction progress
This week’s be church construction progress. Concrete Wall foundation and Electeric Transformer...
read morePublic Information Session
There will be a presentation this Sunday, December 2nd, at 12:30pm in our Church. This presentation is for parents & youth who are thinking of studying pharmacy/medicine in the USA. A speaker from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences will be...
read moreIt’s Happening!
Old house demolished to clear the way to the new church project. Click on “House Demolition” below to see the video House Demolition
read moreBreaking Ground ceremony for the new Church project
7331F05C-B6F6-464C-8C31-971B3ACB2159 252B571E-E61A-4E2F-8A0B-7E2E6B068DD7 FC356989-B59F-493C-B684-6C991F210F6E...
read moreEgyptian Festival 2018
St. George & St. Mercurius Coptic Orthodox Church presents its 12th annual Egyptian Coptic Festival featuring authentic food, exotic souvenirs, silver work, kids’ activities and architecture tours of the church. The church welcomes EVERYONE, as well as encourages you...
read moreNew Bus service
We are happy to announce our new bus service for Sundays. The...
read moreMontreal 2018 Youth trip
read more2018 Graduation Festivities
يسر الكنيسة وخدمة مدارس الأحد ان تعلن عن حفل الخريجين لدفعة ٢٠١٨م يوم السبت الموافق ٧يوليو ٢٠١٨م بحضور نيافة الحبر الجليل الانبا مينا يبداء الحفل الساعة ٧:٠٠م عقب العشية رجاء محبة حضور الخريجين تمام...
read moreNew Coptic Orthodox Monastery coming to Ontario
Winners: Best organized Sunday school class
Congratulations Grade 3-4 class for winning the cup for best Organized Sunday school class Coordinator: Samaa Maximous Servants (in alphabetical order): Andrew Seif Inas Guirguis Mario Elkess Mark Khoury Students (in Alphabetical order): Christian Ibrahim Daniel Attia...
read more2018 Family Retreat Program -برنامج مؤتمر الأسرة السنوي
The passing of Engineer Youssef Kirollos
انتقال المهندس يوسف كيرلس للامجاد السمائية The Church, with the hope of the resurrection, bids farewell to her son, respected Deacon and Engineer Youssef Kirollos. The church sends its deepest condolences to his wife Madam Nadia, his daughter Nevine and all the...
read more2018 Family Retreat
Koshary & Movie night
Family meeting and fundraising committee invites you this week for Movie & Koshary night: "The polar express" All are invited (parents, kids and youth). We are waiting for you, Friday Dec15 @7:30pm Please come and invite others. Support the church with prayers and/or...
read morePublic Information session
You are cordially invited to attend an Information Session. Speaker: Ita Hermouet (Director of International Admission MCPHS University) Date: November 19 Time: 12:30pm Duration: 45 min & 15 min Q&A She will be discussing: - Healthcare trends in the US - the value of...
read more11th Annual Egyptian Festival
You are cordially invited to a Creation Ministries International event in our church This Friday September 8th at 7:30pm Gus Olsthoorn will be presenting: "Amazing Evidences for a Young Universe" The Seminar will be followed by Questions & Answers forum Please come...
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