Sermons by Bishops

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by H.G. Bishop Mina | 4 March 2018

“Do you love me more than these?”

by H.G. Bishop Mina | December 2017

The 5 "Be's" of Purity (Sermon given at the Feast of St. George )

by H.G. Bishop Mina | 2017

حياة التلمذة ج١

by H.G. Bishop Mina | 30th November 2014

حياة التلمذة ج٢

by H.G. Bishop Mina | 30th November 2014

يوحنا المعمدان

by H.G. Bishop Rueiss | 14 September, 2005


by H.G. Bishop Bessada | 20 September, 2003


by H.G. Bishop Sarapamoun | 19 June, 2004


by H.G. Bishop Rueiss | 12 May, 2005


by H.G. Bishop Basanty | 27 May, 2005

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