Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermons

إشباع الجموع by القمص أنطونيوس زكري (عربي) | 23 July 2023 The Fragrance of Christ by Father George Ibrahim (English) القمص أنطونيوس زكري (عربي) | 16 July 2023...
Visiting Speakers

Visiting Speakers

"نظر الي اتضاع أمته" by H.G Bishop Kozman | 23rd December 2018 معجزة شفاء المفلوج by H.G Bishop Kozman | 17 June 2018...
Sermons by Bishops

Sermons by Bishops

Watch, Pray & Welcome back by H.G. Bishop Mina | 4 March 2018 “Do you love me more than these?” by H.G. Bishop Mina | December 2017...