God appeared in the flesh

God appeared in the flesh

The creation on man: When God created man, He did not create him by a direct order, as He did with the rest of the creation, we hear the Lord commanding it, as in the case of light, for example” Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light” (...
الله ظهر في الجسد

الله ظهر في الجسد

Painting by Julius Garibaldi “Gari” Melchers (1891) خلقة الإنسان:   عندما خلق الله الإنسان، لم يخلقه بالأمر المباشر كما فعل ببقية الخليقة، فنسمع الرب يأمر فيكون كما في حالة النور مثلا”وقال الله ليكن نور، فكان نور”(تك3:1)، وأما عن الإنسان فقال...
The Family of the house of the LORD

The Family of the house of the LORD

+Family Family are the people who are blood related. Relationships may diverge by descent, but blood remains the bond that connects families together. Lo! when God created us deciding in love for us to share His glory, ” He breathed into his nostrils the breath...
أهل بيت الله

أهل بيت الله

أهل   الأهل هم الأشخاص الذين لهم علاقات تربطهم بعضهم ببعض صلة الدم. وقد تتشعب هذه العلاقات عن طريق النسب، ولكن يظل هناك رابطة الدم التي تصل الأهل ببعض.   وللعجب، فحينما خلقنا الله بقرار نابع من حبه الذي أرادنا أن نشترك معه في مجده، نفخ في أنف الإنسان نسمة حياة فصار...
“God is our Refuge” (Ps 46:1)

“God is our Refuge” (Ps 46:1)

+ In the Old Testament, the so-called the refuge cities existed, which were six cities, where God commanded Moses, and after him Joshua the son of Nun, to assign those places which were located in the midst of the cities of the Levites, to be a refuge for anyone who...